dpat update jugak..hahaha.. (not klaka bebehh..hehe)
Tuesday | 2:31 PM
yeahhh..dpt gak update blog nih..so sory kat semo..coz x smpat nk follow balek...jadi nk pesan nih..sape2 yg nk swuh follow...tinggal website kat komment woke?....
skolah tecinte..huhu..x abes rndu agih..2 bulan jer cuti,tpi daaa bnyk prubahan..bgus larr ckgu Khabir nihh...!...cayaa laaaa !....hehe...promote pngetue nmpk..haha...but,mmg btul2 bnyk sngt prubahan yg belaku...enth biler start...
tahun lepas form1..but taun 2011 daaa form 2..yeeehaaa...!daaa ade junior n adeq2..tpi berashe len lak adeq2 nih pnggil aku 'kakak'...hehe..perashan!..huh..x kuase akuh nk lyannn!..
n satu agih..wlaupun trun klas,smangat aku nk bejaye x nah luntur tawww...sikit n cubit ponn...dun worry mama,i'll prove to u dat ur daughter will success in her life woke...?..lots of love mama..!
nk thu lebihh lnjut sal skola tni..?...
klik sinih.. [link smk salor,kota bharu,p.mas]